dump your hang ups

Dump your hang-ups without dumping them on others

Book by Robert A. Schuller

the highlighted lines:

* people who need people are the luckies people in the world.
* what am I fighting for?
* whom am I fighting against?
* god you’re in charge here, now. I’ve acknowledged that you have the power to restore me. Now, I’m turning myself over to you and asking you to do what you need to do to bring about that restoration
* that which is not worked out will be acted out.
* if you do not those past events are going to manifest themselves in ways that won’t be good for you or for other people in your life.
* …… misconception that as long as there was peace, everything was fine.
* when we do make mistakes, confession to god, ourselves and others is tremendously important.
*he will be happy that you have not tried to hold back , and you will find peace in the love and forgiveness. he offers you.
*confession is a means by which we can obtain release from our sins, and without that release our feelings of guilt and shame can built up to the point where we can hardly stand up under the heavy load.
* someone once said that the church is not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners.
*go church shopping
* “confessing relationship”
* the human soul has a strong need to confess to another human soul
* the burden is taken off his shoulders, the sin is placed in the past where it belongs, and he or she is free to begin to move on into the future
* if you spill innermost secrets to a stranger, you’re likely to find yourself the subject of a gossip column in the next morning’s paper.
*Jesus himself described a married couple as being one flesh.
* to get a friend you have to be one.
* the rule is that god doesn’t want to do thing for you- he wants to do it with you.

* who is driving your life?

* the only thing that grows fast in my garden are the weeds. the flowers take time to blossom.
*you have depended on your behaviour patterns to do something for you just as the smoker has always depended on his cigarettes to relax him.
* you always hurt the ones you love
*in reaching out to make peace with him, I found peace for myself.
* …..house works never takes a vacation.
* “how am I doing? ” bumper sticker
*…… the sun go down while you are still angry.
* …..because reading back through a journal can be valuable experience.
* you don’t have to worry about being “found out” and can face the future with fearless honesty.
* “if god seemed farther away these days, guess who moved.”
* “the rain falls on the just and unjust alike”.
* He wants you to live.
* …all of our past experiences , if they have benefited us in no other way, have at least taught us something about ourselves and the world in which we live.
Until next time,

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